Business Process Outsourcing
The idea behind Business Process Outsourcing is simple, outsource recurring non added value tasks to a party which specializes in these processes, thus saving costs. However real live is more complex and shows common occurring challenges which ask for specific knowledge and experience to cope with. Common challenges in BPO are:
· Unclear which parts of the process are outsourced and
which parts will stay at the retained organization;
· Process is less standardized than assumed at the start leaving (too) much exceptions;
· Impact of BPO on the (retained) organization is bigger than expected and more
departments / people are impacted;
· IT landscape not suited to support BPO;
· More resistance towards BPO out of retained organization than expected;
· BPO partner is not able to deploy and sustain the needed competencies.
In most cases an independent expert can significantly contribute in solving above mentioned challenges.
Other Competence